They are doing movie nights every second Wednesday of the month, and finally (!) I have been able to attend one!
Tonights movie was "Future of hope" - a really nice, little sad, but very heart warming and inspiring film about Iceland and their plan to get out of this crisis our world is experiencing.
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copyrights "Future of Hope" |
Iceland is not in the best financial position, most of the people are in large foreign debt. And then comes the global warming and stuff. But as many people on the film remind us- change and development of human race have been initiated by various crisis. And maybe we can turn it around and re-orient ourselves from this bubble of economic wealth to other values- joy of simple living and doing things by yourself, growing organic food, refusing pollution by fossil fuels and choosing green energy according to what are the local prerogatives.. enjoying the life, the real life, not the one consumerism imposes on us.
It is great to see how united is Iceland in creating their Ministry of Ideas that leads to National Assambley to discuss, what is the vision of the country. What direction should we go. It somehow made me connect this thought to the one we recently hear here- to make Latvia greenest country in the world, to brand it by eco labels. And fill it with the substance, of course, not only greenwash it.
People in Iceland are not going the easiest way, and it is very touching to see how true they are. The way they choose to live, to educate their children and adults. To actually be there and do things on the ground. Some say that growing organic tomatoes is a waste of life. But we all want to eat those tomatoes! So that is a life that is needed. Obviously, Latvia doesn't have a geothermal heat points on every corner that come steaming up on the surface to heat our homes or greenhouses. But I think what it teaches to us is that we have to use the resources, the circumstances that we do have here.
copyrights "Future of Hope" |
I really enjoyed the episodes on the organic farming, especially comments from people working there through WWOOF program. I could actually feel what they were communicating. Made me wish for the Spring to come sooner to get my hands dirty in the ground while putting some seeds in our garden.
Probably the most amazing part of all movie was the example Iceland has set to us in terms of politics. Not only to talk about finance benefits or losses in their situation, but to turn all the life aspects to new direction, starting with education - that is something we should all learn. Children and young people still learning are like sponges that take in all the knowledge and experience, and they bring it home to their families. Schools and kindergardens are the places where we should emphasize our efforts for behavioral change. And the comment on what being a politician means and how they should work- that is kind of an eye opener. It is true- we vote for them and we must hold them accountable for what we want our country to look like today, tomorrow and in 50 years. They are there to work for all of the nation, not for their ego.
But in order to be able to tell them that and vote right, we must learn ourselves and define our vision here, in our country as individuals and as a nation. Which way we want to go?
This period of time is the last chance to jump in that train that brings us to post-carbon world. We still have a chance to redirect our course not only to adaptation to the Climate Change, but also to improvements in how we connect with Mother Nature.
copyrights "Future of Hope" |
Of course, the film is missing all the negative details about the Iceland. But that was not the point to show them right? The aim was to inspire people by showing that there is a hope for having a future we want. And there is.
As the last comment- I particularly liked that one of the spokespersons used term Village, when he was speaking about our planet. We are all living in a Village with 7 billion people. For the first time in my life I had heard the right name for our world that leaves this feeling of closeness to every single person on the Earth. Global world is way too cold term and suggests kind of infamiliarity. Village, however, is something most of us know as quite close community with all of its advantages and perks. And maybe that is the best way to think of the world to start actually care for it and other inhabitants, even if they are on the other side of the Village.
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