otrdiena, 2012. gada 28. februāris


Ah, forgot to mention in my "life so far"  post on our new recycling and composting practices..
In our city apartment we now collect paper, glass and also few plastic rubbish as 'normal people'.. but since most of our rubbish apart from diapers consists of kitchen waste- some food remains, lots of peels, tea etc. And I just hate it that there's no composting opportunities like we had in London (we used to take our compost to wildlife Phoenix garden where it was welcomed). In countryside it's so simple.
So I came up with a plan! During cold months we now collect the kitchen waste in the Moltex diaper bags since they are bio-degradable. When it's full we put it out on a balcony to freeze and then I take it with me to the countryside where I can put it in our compost.

During the warm spring-summer-early autumn we will take one box of my mom's little worm compost farm and keep it on our balcony to have immediate composting spot for ourselves. My friend loved this idea so much that she already asked me to have one box for her too! I'll keep you updated on how we're doing when the warm weather finally comes!

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