It's all because (congratulations to myself) I have got a job!
So now I am a Senior Official at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, at the Climate Change and Adaptation Policy Division.
Sounds fantastic, doesn't it?
It's been hard for the first 3 weeks to be at work again and to encounter everything that working mom has to. But my little one is taking it all right at the moment and she's cared for my mom or our long term helper at the family, so she's doing good now. Since I still brestfeed her during days and nights, at least she still gets all the usual goodies.
Since I'm now totally consumed in learning everything that my job requires and getting ready to first business trips that will be a challenge (I've never been away from my baby for the whole day+night), my brain capacity has not been quick enough to build up for continuing studying or writing. I'm hoping I'll do better on my time (and brain) management very soon not to fall behind in any area of my life.
Working with climate change issues and even more, adaptation to climate change, has been kind of a dream job. I am very happy to have this opportunity now and I'll do my best while not compromising my family life.
Even though I'm glad to be in the middle of such significant processes as project to develop national adaptation strategy etc, I'm jaw dropping suprised how low importance is payed to the green lifestyle in between my colleagues. And how the international, European and national bureaucratic systems are contributing to the climate change just in their own business (huge amounts of paper printing, incredibly large amounts of business travel etc.). I aim to change what I can and keep hoping that with time what Europe is planning (low carbon economy by 2050 with emissions reduction by 80-95%, for example) will also change how the system works.
Commuting to the work and back has also increased my personal car use, shared car use and public transport use, I'm scared to think of the numbers. I really do hope that the Spring will soon be here (doesn't look like if I glance through my window) so I can ride my bicycle again!
I hope I get to post some study notes and other info soon again!